18 September 2007


Style is not a matter of financial means. Some people are born with it and can make a £20 dress look very chic, surpassing any label around.

Thanks to good purchasing skills, high street brands sometimes do wonders in terms of line and proportions. This is why we are launching this new "chronicle": what to buy on the high street.

Today's post will be about these brogued T-Bars from Dune ( on the left) . At £75, they give the for example 365£ Sandie Jimmy Choos a good run for their money ( black shoes on the right)

Why are they worth buying:
1. The height: from the design, it is quite obvious the arch support will have the perfect curve.
2. The sole: it is large enough to make the shoes NOT to resemble a cradle which makes any woman look ridicule.
3. The colour: the fauve colour is a hit and it is just discreet enough to be worn with anything dressed up or casual such as jeans.
4. The shape at the base of the T-Bar is lovely and they will lengthen the legs and make any ankle look thinner
5. The heels: although not delicate, they fit the design perfectly, since being in proportion with the general design of the shoes.

The difference with Jimmy Choos which still is obvious in the sense where the Choos are more refined. Their front sole is flat and there are refined details and materials but with these T-Bars, Dune shows they can do well.
Don't miss them, these are keepers. You won't regret buying them.

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