17 February 2007


One of the great advantages of style agains fashion is that fashion fades. Style prevails.

Through the ages, various body shapes were apprized: in medieval times, rounded stomach and small breasts were appreciated while large rears were considered the height of
rules of beauty - with the connotation of rich and lazy ( as opposed to working class).

Beauty rules have evolved and today, many types of women are fancied. In Hollywood, , huge breasts are the must haves, whereas in fashion world, androgyn - verily childlike - types are the flavor of the moment.

In such versatile times, it is safer to remain faithful to one's style and personality, hence keeping the chances of attracting the male/ female companion that will truly love who you are. Don't cheat. If your nature is to be curvy, don't try to get flat, put your features forward.

There are famous girls who, without being skinny do manage to get - sometimes and often with the help of their stylist - stylishly dressed. Beyonce, as shown on the picture beside, is one of them. I also often like Queen Latifah in movies, even if the costume designer is the one who should get most of the credit. Nevertheless, Queen Latifah always pull off the looks so nicely and comfidently that she becomes more beautiful than most skinnies.

I wish people were more working on the style according to their body features rather than working their body to get in the Fashion clothing,,, This is so much edgier...

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